disclaimer: ich distanziere mich 'nen scheiss von dem, was ich hier verlinke!
http://www.robvanderwoude.com | Rob van der Woude's scripting pages - batch files for dos, windows (all flavours) and os/2; rexx; kix; perl; javascript; html | batch, js, wsh, pl, html, script |
http://www.phpbb.com | php bulletin board | board; php |
http://www.yabbforum.com | yet another bulletin board | board; perl |
http://www.gaijin.at | kostenlose programme, handbuecher, anleitungen und artikel zu verschiedenen themen rund um das internet, computer, datensicherheit, online-tools, links etc. vor allem bzgl. windows xp | windows |
http://www.nyx.net/~gthompso/quine.htm | the quine page (self-reproducing programs) | quine; programming |
http://p-nand-q.com | interessante windows-tools, python-kram und spass mit programmiersprachen | tools; python; obfuscating |
http://www.palfrader.org/code2html/ | code2html converts a program source code to syntax highlighted html | source code; syntax highlighting; html |
http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html | gnu wget is a free software package for retrieving files using http, https and ftp, the most widely-used internet protocols. it is a non-interactive commandline tool, so it may easily be called from scripts, cron jobs, terminals without xsupport, etc. | software; open source; wget |
http://www.jensroesner.de/wgetgui/ | win gui for wget | software; wget |
http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de | jap | software |
http://www.openwall.com/john/ | john the ripper ein passwortknacker, der z.b. DES-verschluesselungen knackt... | decrypt; password; DES |
http://insecure.org/nmap/ | nmap ("network mapper") is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing | software; windows |
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com | der microsoft internet support server bietet tatsaechlich auch nuetzliche sachen, z.b. ResKit und sogar "UNIX to Windows utilities" wie sendmail fuer windows... | microsoft; ftp; software; utilities; tools; reskit |
http://www.samurajdata.se/~cj/ps.html | online viewer for postscript, pdf and word | viewer; pdf; doc; ps |
http://www.pgp.net | pgp | software |
http://www.sysinternals.com | sysinternals (regmon, handle, tcpview, tdimon, AccessEnum, ...) | software; windows |
http://www.snort.org | snort is a open source network intrusion prevention system (tcpdump on steroids) | software; network |
http://www.telnet.org | telnet: "the protocol for the next millennium..." | telnet; protocol |
http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net | Ultr@VNC is a client/server software that allows you to remotely control a computer over any tcp/ip connection as if you were in front of it. | vnc |
http://www.webmasterengine.com | consists of thousands of links to articles, web site and design tools, services, scripts and other webmaster resources | perl; php; scripts |
http://www.winpcap.org/windump/ | winpcap und windump (tcpdump for win) | software; tcpdump |
http://www.interlog.com/~tcharron/blat.html | blat is a public domain windows 95/nt console utility that sends the contents of a file in an e-mail message using the smtp protocol. (sowas wie "sendmail fuer windows") | blat; sendmail; smtp; windows; software |
http://blat.freeshell.org/faq/ | blat faq | blat; faq |
http://www.pmail.com | (pegasus mail and) mercury mail transport system | mailserver; mta; windows; smtp; pop3; imap |
http://www.tecchannel.de/server/windows/401807/ | installationsanleitung fuer mercury/32 | mailserver; docu |
http://www.tglsoft.de | hamster classic | mailserver; mta; windows; smtp; pop3; imap; nntp |
http://www.elbiah.de/hamster/ | hamster playground (open source) | mailserver; mta; windows; smtp; pop3; nntp |
http://www.hmailserver.com | hmailserver (open source) | mailserver; mta; windows; smtp; pop3; imap |
http://www.horde.org/imp/ | imp webmail client fuer das horde framework; sehr flexibel und viel koennend; allerdings auch groesser und weniger genuegsam als bspw. ilohamail. erfordert php und pear. | webmail client; php; imap; pop3; smtp |
http://www.mozilla.org | mozilla und firefox | mozilla; firefox; browser; software |
http://www.mozilla.org/docs/command-line-args.html | mozilla: command line arguments/parameter | mozilla; command line |
http://livehttpheaders.mozdev.org | mozilla extension: livehttpheaders - information about the http headers | mozilla; firefox; extension |
https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/ | mozilla extension: adblock plus removes adverts from webpages | mozilla; firefox; extension |
https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/firebug/ | mozilla extension: firebug - web development tool | mozilla; firefox; extension |
https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/its-all-text | mozilla extension: it's all text - use external text editor for textareas | mozilla; firefox; extension |
http://www.skyzyx.com/downloads/ | skyzyx.com - ms-ie standalone | msie; browser; software |
http://browsers.evolt.org | browser archive | browser; software |
http://www.linuxeq.com | the linux equivalent project - windows software and the linux equivalents and alternatives | software; linux; windows |
http://www.angelfire.com/linux/liste/start.html | die linux-liste - tabelle mit entsprechungen/ersatz/aehnlichkeiten von windows-software gegenueber linux (letztes update der liste: 2005-01) | software; linux, windows |
http://www.bootdisk.de | boot-software (fuer viele betriebssysteme) | software |
http://www.palfrader.org/code2html/ | code2html converts a program source code to syntax highlighted html | source code; syntax highlighting; html |
http://www.essential-freebies.de | (freeware) board als sammelstelle fuer herausragende freeware | board; freeware |
http://freecode.com | index of unix and cross-platform open source software | software; open source |
http://www.gnu.org | - | software; open source |
http://www.runtime.org | hier bekommt man u.a. captain nemo, ein plattformuebergreifenden dateimanager, der es ermoeglicht, auf novell, nt und linux partitionen von jedem windows computer aus zuzugreifen... | windows; linux; novell; file manager; software |
http://www.tucows.de | tucows, tools aus vielen bereichen | tools; utilities; software |
http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ | vlc - video lan client | software; video |
http://ipe.compgeom.org | ipe is a drawing editor for creating figures in pdf or (encapsulated) postscript format. | editor; figures; pdf; latex; ps |
http://www.andre-simon.de | highlight - konvertiert source-code in formatierten text (html, xml, latex, ...) mit syntax-highlighting. | source code; syntax highlighting; html |
http://www.cygwin.com | cygwin - linux-emulator fuer windows | software; linux; windows |
http://www.irfanview.com | IrfanView - schneller multimedia-betrachter | software; player; viewer |
http://www.mingw.org | minimalist gnu for windows - mingw (a collection of free Windows specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsets), msys (a minimal system to provide posix/bourne configure scripts the ability to execute and create a makefile used by make) | software; windows |
http://www.sysinternals.com | sysinternals (regmon, handle, tcpview, tdimon, filemon, ...) | software; windows |
http://www.winhex.com | maechtiger hex- und ram-editor | hex editor; windows; software |
http://www.win.tue.nl/sequoiaview/ | sequoiaview - colored treemaps | windows; software; tool; filesize |
http://www.jam-software.de/freeware/index.shtml | treesize free | windows; software; tool; filesize |
http://www.jgoodies.com/freeware/jdiskreport/ | jdiskreport | windows; software; tool; filesize |
http://www.7-zip.org | 7-zip is a file archiver for windows (formats: 7z, zip, cab, rar, arj, gzip, bzip2, tar, cpio, rpm and deb) | software; compressor; zip; archiver; open source |
http://www.gzip.org | the gzip home page: sources, executables, faq, ... | software; compressor; archiver; zip; open source |
mehr: siehe browser siehe programmierung (allgemein) siehe web-/netzwerk-software siehe music_tools siehe grafik_tools |
http://www.addictinggames.com | viele flash spiele | online games; flash |
http://www.ambin.com/software.htm | klingonische uhr und mehr | software |
http://www.deathball.net/notpron | this is not pron - riddle similar to try2hack | online game |
http://www.lapoo.nl/catapult2/ | catapult - nibbles-aehnliches flash-spiel | online games; flash |
http://www.nobodyhere.com/toren.hier | www.nobodyhere.com - baerenpyramide (flash) | online games; flash |
http://web.okaygo.co.uk/apps/letters/flashcom/ | just letters (flash) | flash; online game |
http://www.parapluesch.de | (flash) die anstalt - psychiatrie fuer misshandelte kuscheltiere | satire; flash |
http://www.pepere.org | grosse sammlung von flash- und java-games | online games; flash |
http://amanita-design.net/samorost-1/ | samorost (flash-adventure) | online game; flash |
http://www.severin.ch | sammlung lustiger, sarkastischer spiele | flash |
http://www.shockwave.com | - | - |
http://www.rosenrote.de | sehr unterhaltsame und schoen programmierte online-spiele (ohne flash!) | online games |
http://www.tekzoned.com | optische taeuschungen, flash-shocker, flash-spiele, darunter auch alte bekannte wie pacman und invader. kurz: flash-entertainment | online games; flash |
http://oxcom.anarxi.st/chpok.swf | flash-spiel zum zerdruecken von verpackungsmaterial | online games; flash |
http://www.trevorvanmeter.com/flyguy/ | flyguy (flash) | flash |
http://www.gamingdelight.com/games/triachnid.php | triachnid (flash) | online game; flash |
http://www.try2hack.nl | in leveln exponentiell wachsender schwierigkeitsstufen kann man sich selbst im passwortknacken testen und sieht zudem, das v.a. client-seitiger passwort-schutz nichts taugt. mehrere stunden spass garantiert. | online game; hack; riddle |
http://live.gnome.org/Dia | dia - gtk+ based diagram creation program for un*x and windows released under the gpl license | dia; unix; windows; diagrams; pgf; tex; pstricks |
http://www.gnuplot.info | gnuplot | gnuplot; graphic manipulation |